Retaining walls form a noise barrier along the Nijmegen-Den Bosch railway line
Bosch Beton retaining walls were used to create a 300-metre-long noise barrier along Genestetlaan in Nijmegen. The aim was to reduce noise nuisance for residents of the new-build studios and apartments. The Genestetlaan redevelopment is part of the redesignation and refurbishment of the railway zone in Nijmegen city centre.
Noise barrier
The Genestetlaan redevelopment contributes to the redesignation and refurbishment of the railway zone in Nijmegen city centre. The street is located 1,000 metres from central station as the crow flies but also lies along the Nijmegen-Den Bosch railway line. Our retaining walls were used to construct a noise barrier to reduce noise nuisance for local residents. The wall stretches across the entire Genestetlaan and is over 300 metres long and 2.5 metres high.
Finding suitable accommodation in the student city of Nijmegen is not easy, partly because of the housing shortage. Verhuurder Stuworld constructed 228 independent studios and apartments for all target groups on Genestetlaan in 2017. This required a redevelopment of the entire street. The noise barrier constructed using Bosch Beton retaining wall reduces noise nuisance.
Special views
As well as the noise barrier, two apartment complexes were also constructed at this location and these blend perfectly in the architecture of the surrounding neighbourhood. The apartment complexes contain a range of studios and apartments, with the top floor being very special. A meeting space has been created here, where residents have fantastic views across Nijmegen, the Waalbrug and the noise barrier made from Bosch Beton retaining walls.
Further information
If you would like to know more about this project or our customised retaining wall solutions for railways or soil and garden, please feel free to contact our consultants.
Safer and faster beneath the railway in Den Dolder
The railway crossing at Den Dolder used to be one of the most dangerous ones in the Netherlands. Now cyclists and pedestrians can pass safely and quickly under the tracks. Bosch Beton made special retaining walls for this
Retaining walls around Afsluitdijk Wadden Center
Around the Afsluitdijk Wadden Center, we placed dozens of metres of retaining walls for the realisation of the terrace and as a retaining wall. A placement at a unique location!
Retaining walls placed as noise barrier at waste processing company
Retaining walls serve as a site divider and noise barrier at Containerdienst und Schrotthandel GmbH in Fockbek.