Bosch Beton - Keerwanden als terreinafscheiding bij transportonderneming Mol Cargo in Tiel
HomeProjectsMol Cargo in Tiel opts for retaining walls as terrain fencing

Mol Cargo in Tiel opts for retaining walls as terrain fencing

International transport company, Mol Cargo in Tiel recently expanded. Loon- en Grondverzetbedrijf Bongers approached Bosch Beton for the right retaining walls for terrain fencing.

Terrain fencing

Bongers Loon- en Grondverzetbedrijf contacted us for terrain fencing when Mol Cargo was expanding. We placed retaining walls of 2.5 and 3 metres high at the project in Tiel, over a length of almost 260 metres. Where our crane truck could reach easily, most of the retaining walls were placed directly from the truck. Both family companies, Bongers and Bosch Beton have worked together previously on other projects.

International transport

Transport company Mol B.V. was established in Buren in 1934 with a focus on transporting sand and gravel. Thirty-five years later, they expanded to transport newspapers and magazines and the company became international. The third generation is now at the helm and Mol Cargo has grown to become an international transport company. The company relocated from Buren to Tiel in 2005.

Further information

If you would like to know more about this project or our customised retaining wall solutions for terrain fencing, please feel free to contact our civil engineering consultants.