The Berflobeek in Hengelo watertight and future-proof again
By means of a special retaining wall solution, Bosch Beton has provided a watertight solution that allows the water from the city to drain properly again. As a result of climate change, especially fluctuations in temperatures, rainfall and prolonged droughts, we see that a number of (water) projects require complete renovation. In this case, Bosch Beton, in collaboration with NEGAM, was able to supply a number of custom-made retaining walls.
Climate change and renovation
The Berflobeek on Wethouder Kampstraat in Hengelo has faced serious difficulties owing to climate change. The stream flows partly through a densely populated residential area, with the result that bank erosion caused inconvenience to local residents. Major maintenance was carried out along the stream in order to solve this problem, including replacing the concrete walls. Restoring the banks will allow rainwater to drain into the stream in the future, which is better for groundwater levels. This also reduces the burden on the sewerage treatment plant.
Custom work
Various heights and types of walls were needed to restore the bank. Our engineers have developed a customised solution, selecting a base of LR retaining walls with heel. This created a stable stream, allowing the stormwater drains of nearby buildings to be disconnected from the sewerage system. Adding aquatic plants and riparian vegetation will result in a complete and future-proof metamorphosis of the stream.
Further information
If you would like to know more about our projects or about the custom solutions we are able to provide with our retaining walls for water, please contact our consultants free of obligation.
Project in the picture
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